Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Witnessing at Mickey D's

This evening we went out in front of McDonalds to witness.  Dorothy and I thought that the language barrier would be an obstacle; however, our interpreter told us that actually our approaching people using English would draw their attention and cause them to stop and listen out of curiosity.  We shared with a lot of people (with our interpreter standing by to assist when needed). Quite a few people knew English and we were able to converse with them.  When people showed no interest and walked away, we offered a Russian tract for them to take home and read later.  Unfortunately it was raining all evening and as it began to rain harder, few people were on the streets for us to share with so we ended our efforts and went inside to eat.  It was wonderful being surrounded by our brothers and sisters from Cherkassy as we all ate together.  One memorable event during mealtime was when two guys approached Gordon requesting to have their photos taken with him.  Perhaps they thought he was "Mr. T"? But they happily walked away after the photo shoot, but Gordon ensured that they had a tract to take with them.

This morning we visited an orphanage and distributed toys and candy to the children.  Mike taught a boy named Vladeick how to "high five" and the boy beemed with pride.  These children do not get visitors, so our visit was precious to them.  Kathy became especially attached to a young boy named Sergei who clung to her.  They seemed to have a special connection. Sergei is mute and his mother tried to kill him.  He came to the orphanage with stab wounds.  It was a blessing to make these children's lives a bit brighter today.

On a humorous note, Dorothy & I are rooming with a lady named Luda.  She only speaks Russian.  Dorothy & I have had fun pantomiming and pointing in an effort to gain her understanding.  We've had quite a few laughs! Luda is so hospitable and gracious.  She's been cooking meals for us and doing everything in her means to make us comfortable.


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