Tuesday, August 16, 2011


God gives back to those who give to Him. We've given our time, talents and resources and He has blessed us beyond measure. The Lord saved our greatest blessing for the final day!

Today we traveled to a drug/alcohol rehab about an hour south of Cherkassy. It was located in a small farming village. It's a place where the residents commit to living there for a year. Each day they get up, pray and received Gods word, then they work on the farm. There are all kinds if animals and fields for them to work.

We prayed for each of them and God spoke and encouraged the men and women. The men layed hands on each other and prayed for each other. One man, Oleg, had gotten saved last Friday when we were ministering at the homeless shelter. He looked like a changed man. His eyes were clear and there was a beautiful new peace on him. He was already laying hands on his brothers and praying for them. God is soooooooooooo good.

After sharing and praying together, we were treated to a short tour of the farm followed by a delicious meal. They served us borsch, potatoes with tomatoes, cucumbers and onions followed by fresh cut tea and homemade apple turnovers. Their dining area is open-air, dirt flor complete with cats, geese and an occasional rooster. It was awesome!

Tonight we are going to pray over a piece of land Pastor Sasha is looking to buy and will be sharing our last meal together in Cherkassy.

The team is in great spirits and we are all so full and amazed by what God has done to and through each of us.

We miss and love you all.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Shevchenka Blvd,Cherkasy,Ukraine

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